Watch the feedback on Krechendo students financed by Leeloo Trading, live with the Krechendo Trading team

On 29 November 2019, Krechendo Trading carried out their first webinar presenting the project which you can view here: 

See also this video on Investing Day – can the rise in Equity Markets continue? An interview with Tarek Elmarhri:

The objective of this video was to be able to follow the students’ journey and experience, then we'll take stock of their results, several months after this presentation takes place

These students received financing for their trading from Leeloo Trading and some even moved into Performance Accounts with Leeloo later on.

Nicolas Schneller, in charge of Business Development at Krechendo Trading, has negotiated a 15% reduction code with Leeloo Trading – use code: ZKZA6P4M

*This reduction is not applicable to Leeloo’s $74 subscription.

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