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new dashboard and payouts

**Attention Traders**
Payouts can ONLY be requested on the Last Saturday o
f the month

for the majority of traders.
Any other traders with special accounts, 

They can request only on Saturdays.

Be sure to read our KB section

Copy trading rules

30% and Flipping Rules

Lifetime PA fee Rules

email support for any questions BEFORE you start trading :)

My Journey to Trading Success with Leeloo

During the pandemic, like many others, I sought ways to supplement my income. This search led me to the world of trading. Initially, I believed it would be a straightforward path to financial gain, but to my surprise, I encountered numerous failures. I ventured into trading stocks and options with my personal savings, which resulted in significant losses over a span of two years.

In 2023, I discovered Leeloo Trading and the Futures prop firm industry. Eager to turn my fortunes around, I joined Leeloo and embarked on a new chapter in my trading journey. Despite facing several trials and errors, I eventually found my footing and began to see profits. Leeloo's clear and consistent rules on risk management played a crucial role in my transformation from a struggling trader to a profitable one.

One of the standout aspects of Leeloo is the leadership of Chris, the CEO. His commitment to trust and integrity in the industry is unparalleled. Chris has been a rockstar in the Discord server, always available to answer every direct message and question. His support and guidance have been invaluable.

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity Leeloo has provided. Their platform and community have been instrumental in my success. Thank you, Leeloo, for being a cornerstone in my trading journey.

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